1.in Australia, a national court that has jurisdiction in matters relating to corruption, bankruptcy, industrial relations, corporation law, taxation, and trade.
1.The first risk assessment released in 2006 also said he was safe to be returned, but a Federal Court overturned that decision.
2.The fact that the prospective juror was a lesbian is the subject of a potentially momentous federal court case.
3.A week earlier it had been sued by Apple in a California federal court for violating a broad range of Apple's intellectual property rights.
4.Invoking the powers of the Endangered Species Act, a federal court placed limits on the pumps at Tracy in an attempt to save the fish.
5.Scott then took his case to a federal court. Finally, he asked the United States Supreme Court to decide if he was a slave or a free man.
6.IBM said it had filed two cases in Federal court in the Eastern district of Texas accusing Amazon of breaching five of its patents.
7.In about a half-dozen cases, the bank has filed to have the matters removed to federal court, filings show.
8.The Governor of Virginia decided to try Brown in a state court. He believed a federal court trial would take too long.
9.he trusts the states, not the lawyers, yet he was the first one into federal court to try to halt the hand count.
10.let's take the considerable resources at our disposal and sue him in federal court.